Upcoming talk about dogs is part of February Psychology Month

As I mentioned in my latest post, February is Psychology Month. As in its previous annual campaigns, the BC Psychological Association is raising public awareness about mental health and the role psychology and psychologists play in our lives to help us cope with mental health conditions. BCPA has a free referral service for those seeking psychological help.

I’m glad to say my talk about Overcoming Trauma on Feb. 6 was well-received and I’m looking forward to speaking  again on February 27 at 7 pm in the same venue – Okanagan Regional Library (Ellis Street branch in Kelowna). 

My upcoming talk will be about the Psychological Benefits of Spending Time with Dogs. I begin by drawing on the value of reconnecting with nature – from which we all spring. I’ll review the health benefits of having dogs as pets, and bring attention to a new program called “Shake-a-Paw” which coaches traumatized young people to train dogs needing a home. The aim of the program is to grow psychological skills like empathy, compassion, and healthy care-giving. It is hoped that teaching youth these skills can also help improve social skills that can carry them forward in life. As well, the program exposes young people to animal-related occupations and could improve the chances that young people will find an animal-related job.

I look forward to seeing you at the talk!