I will love you forever…NOT!

Let’s get real! We all want romance, but the best we get is a temporary feeling that our love will last forever. There could be a few couples amidst the millions who have managed to have that enduring feeling of romantic love last nearly a lifetime, but I can’t help but wonder if this isn’t a myth perpetuated by those who are having trouble accepting life as it is….It’s tough. People are fickle and manipulative, even our spouses at times. Partners who love each other hopefully like each other most of the time, but they also argue. How common are arguments among couples? Well, I haven’t met a couple yet who hasn’t argued a few times. What’s normal, you ask? You can get a sense of whether you are in the expected range of arguments by doing the online questionnaire at www.dawsonpsychologicalservices.com/home-study-introduction.html

This questionnaire – the Dyadic Adjustment Scale – is one of the most widely used to measure satisfaction in human relationships. It looks at four dimensions of so-called romantic relationships:

Dyadic Consensus: Assesses the extent of agreement between partners on matters important to the relationship, such as money, religion, friends, household tasks, and time spent together. This is the dimension to find out whether your arguments are within what would be expected for married couples. But also look at Dyadic Satisfaction. Because even if you aren’t having arguments, you still might not be satisified. Perhaps you’re holding your true opinions in so you don’t hurt your partner…

Dyadic Satisfaction: Measures the amount of tension in the relationship, as well as the extent to which the individual has considered ending the relationship. High scores on Dyadic Satisfaction indicate satisfaction with the present state of the relationship and commitment to its continuation. This can be low even if your arguing is not frequent. Other measures that allow us to adjust well to a relationship are Affection and Sharing Interests.

Affectional Expression: Measures the individual’s satisfaction with the expression of affection and sex in the relationship.

Dyadic Cohesion: The common interests and activities shared by the couple.

Overall Dyadic Adjustment: Total score provides an indication of overall adjustment to the relationship. This measure takes all four dimensions of the relationship into account and gives you a total score which corresponds to how well you are coping or adjusting to your relationship at the present time.

Many things factor in to whether a person is adjusting to a close relationship. Only four are given in this questionnaire. You might be doing fine in some areas and having trouble in others. If you are like most couples, your profile will be varied across dimensions.

Of course, your entire relationship can’t possibly be reflected in a single questionnaire. But a questionnaire can help you get an idea of how well you – as an individual – are adjusting or coping in the relationship. As well, this questionnaire can help you identify what you can work on to hopefully yield the most benefit. And when your relationship improves, your life as an individual probably will as well!

Find out where your relationship needs the most work by taking your Dyadic Adjustment Scale now! www.dawsonpsychologicalservices.com/home-study-introduction.html